This article deals with the first steps to set up your clients.
In the following article, we will go through the most important settings to shift the email traffic as easily and quickly as possible.
Before we start, the customer must already be created in the control panel.
Either through the self-onboarding-form/onboarding link from your partner or through a test-environment via our sales department or through the creation by you (your partner).
- Create all users in the control panel manually, via LDAP or by means of a CSV import.
- Enter all responsible supporters in the Service Dashboard in order to be authorized for future support requests.
- Please ensure that all alias domains and relay IP addresses are set up.
- Check the Quarantine Report settings and set the user rights according to your requirements.
- (Optional) Configure the Infomail filter and SPF settings.
- Wait 30 minutes for your settings to be distributed on our servers.
- Adjust your DNS settings, MX record and smart host as necessary here. The TXT record is optional depending on how you have chosen the SPF settings.
- Familiarize yourself with the Email Live Tracking and check whether the incoming and outgoing email traffic is displayed accordingly.
For more information about the settings in the Control Panel, please refer to our manual as well as our quick guides on our Knowledge Base.