Warning! This is a major upgrade from V8, ensure you follow the upgrade guide before proceeding.
This version requires Microsoft .NET4.8
- Fixes an issue that would not allow an error message to be shown for failed replication operations on the Offsite Backup Server
- Fixes an issue that would incorrectly show that a trial license is about to expire.
- Fixes an issue that would cause an offsite copy to Wasabi immutable storage to fail sporadically.
- Fixes an issue where VMs affected by data integrity issues would not be reported in the backup health monitor.
- Fixes an issue that would create an incorrect root directory in the configured backup location.
- Fixes an issue that would not allow a user to log back into the management console after a session is timed out.
- Added a user-friendly message when a backup operation fails due to having the same designated location as offsite copies
- Added a user-friendly message when the VM Backup upgrade wizard fails to import configuration from a previous installation having a version pre 8.13
(Follow the steps here to upgrade to the latest version)