Hornetsecurity KnowledgeBase
Oder durchsuchen Sie die Kategorien:
Email Security
Control Panel (CP)
Spam and Malware Protection
Security Awareness Service (SAS)
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Email Encryption
Email Archiving
Continuity Service
Signature and Disclaimer
365 Total Protection (365TP)
Web Filter
Email Authentication
DMARC Manager

Egal wie gut eine Lösung ist, jede Umgebung ist einzigartig und unerwartete Probleme können auftreten. Wenn etwas schiefgeht, müssen Sie sich auf schnellen, kompetenten und effektiven Support verlassen können. Wir haben uns dazu verpflichtet genau das zu erzielen, rund um die Uhr.
Unsere Experten stehen 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche bereit, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten. Die durchschnittliche Antwortzeit im Chat beträgt weniger als 60 Sekunden. Das macht uns zu den besten in der Branche.
Lernen Sie unser Support-Team kennen

Do you have any feedback on Support?
Contact our Global Head of Service Desk, Matthew,
directly on matthew[at]hornetsecurity.com
"Your customer service team is nimble and responsive and pleasure to work with"
Mike Goodwin
UptimeByDesign, TX, USA
“I just wanted to express how fantastic your support is on your product. Your staff always seem to have the correct balance of professionalism with a human side thrown in, which is also a huge benefit.”
Ian Cox
Technical Director, Midland Computers
"“Very friendly, fast and helpful support! Thumbs up!”
André Motzkus
Head of IT Operations, TELES AG Informationstechnologien
"“I would like to go out of my way to express excellent customer satisfaction and acknowledge outstanding customer service and technical know-how. KUDOS: out of the hundreds of vendors I deal with, you are in the top 5% of excellence.”
Doug Claxton
CTO / Senior Project Manager, Technical Solution Expert, LANmaster, Canada
“On the rare occasions I have had to contact the support desk, my issue has always been resolved very quickly”
George Sayer
Systems Manager (IT Department), St George's Waybridge, UK