You can uninstall the Hornetsecurity Connector in the Control Panel under
the point "Software" possible. The "cloud security connector" can be selected and uninstalled there.
Manual (de) installation:
If the installation is unsuccessful without explicitly "Executing as Admin" (Connect to the Internet does not work or you do not surf via proxy), the Webfilter Connector should be uninstalled manually.
Pay close attention to the name of the file. Depending on the operating system, it is called Webfilter ConnectorSetup-x86.msi or Webfilter ConnectorSetup-x64.msi
To do this, a DOS window / command prompt must be opened. From Windows Win 7 upwards, this needs be done with administrator rights. This is achieved by entering "cmd" in the start-run field and starting the suggested command at the top of the result list either with CTRL + Shift + left-click or by right-clicking "Run as administrator". The window then has to be in the window bar "Administrator: cmd".
Now change in the command prompt to the directory where the Webfilter Connector was unpacked, e.g. "cd \download\Webfilter Connector". Now enter this command to uninstall it (adapt the file name if necessary):
msiexec /x Webfilter ConnectorSetup-x64.msi
This can take 2-3 minutes.
Even if a message appears at the end that the product was not installed, remnants of an incorrect installation may have been removed. This is important for a clean reinstallation.
A manual installation can now be carried out in the same cmd window with administration rights (again, adjust file names if necessary):
msiexec /i Webfilter ConnectorSetup-x64.msi /l*v log.txt
The 2nd parameter "/l*v" (small L with asterisk and V without spaces in between) creates a log file that can be sent to Hornetsecurity in the event of an error in order to carry out debugging.
A restart is suggested after the installation, but this should NOT be carried out at first. Instead, a function test must be carried out. If the test is positive, the restart can take place. Then it should be tested whether the functionality is still available.