Backup Policies include all settings from the backup location to the retention for your Endpoint backups. A customer can have multiple backup policies assigned to their Endpoints to allow for maximum flexibility when backing up a variety of Endpoints.
To configure a new Backup Policy follow the steps below
- Login to your Altaro Cloud Management Console account ( and choose Endpoint Backup and go to [Your Customers]
- Click on [Manage Services] [Manage Endpoints] next to the customer you would like to add a policy for
- Then click on [Add Backup Policy]
- Here you're given all of the options to create a new Backup Policy, you will need to:
- enter a [Policy Name] of your choosing
- select [Endpoint Directories] you would like to be included for Backup. Here you will be able to Include/Exclude directories and even Exclude File Types. More information on this here.You have the following options:
- Include an entire directory
- Exclude File or File Type throughout your entire policy
- Exclude a specific Sub Directory from an Included directory
- Exclude a File or File Type from a specific included directory only
In the following example, you will see that the Sub Directory called 'Presentations' is being excluded from the Desktop, as well as any '.docx' file type.
In addition, '*.xlsx' file types are excluded throughout the entire backup policy.
- Include an entire directory
- select a Backup Location from the drop-down list if you would like to use an already added Azure account or else click [Add New Backup Location] to enter your Azure Connection String. How to set up your Azure Cloud Storage Account
- choose the backup frequency to [Backup Endpoints automatically every], anywhere from 1 hour to 24 hours
- choose whether you would like to [Limit Backup time window] to set a time window when the backups will take place
- choose if you would like to [Enable Bandwidth Throttling per Endpoint] in order to limit the bandwidth used up
- choose how often to [Automatically delete backups]
- Backup Warning Settings:
[Warn me on missing folder which was explicitly included in this policy]
[Warn on skipped sparse files]
[Warn me on skipped NTFS encrypted or compressed files]
[Warn me when Endpoint Backups are overdue]
- enter a [Policy Name] of your choosing
- Finally, once you have set up all details, click [Save]
- Next you can proceed to assign the newly created Backup Policy from [Your Customers] [Manage Customer] [Endpoints]. Select the Endpoint/s and then click on [Assign Policy] and from the drop-down and then click [Assign]