Info 2008R2 restores — In order to restore a 2008R2 server, ensure that you install Altaro Physical Server Backup on a Windows Server 2012 or newer, than proceed to use the 'Add Restore Source' option below.
Starting a Restore operation
- To simply kick off a restore, go to the [Restore] screen
- At this point, you have 3 options;
[Onsite Backup Location] - you can use this option if you'd like to restore from the currently configured backup repository
[Altaro Offsite Server] - you can use this option if you'd like to restore from your Altaro Offsite Server
IMPORTANT: If you plan on taking the offsite backup disk only onsite to avoid restoring over a WAN connection, you will need to create a new Altaro Offsite Server account (can be done on the same machine) and point to the disk containing your offsite backups.
If your Altaro Offsite Server has died, you will need to perform a restore of the configuration before you can proceed with the restore.
[Add Restore Source]- if you're restoring from a different drive or a previous backup repository, pick this option in order to point to that location specifically
Once you've picked, go ahead and click [Next]
[Onsite Backup Location] - you can use this option if you'd like to restore from the currently configured backup repository
- Choose the Server name from the backups found in the chosen location, then click [Next]
- Pick the Backup Version you'd like to restore from the list and click [Next]
- Select if you would like to restore the Server as a;
[Virtual Machine] - the server will be restored as a VM to a Hyper-V Host (this option will automatically attach the restore VM to Hyper-V Manager)
[VHD] - if you simply want to restore one or more backed up volumes, you can pick this option (this option does not require a Hyper-V Host and will be restored to the location of your choosing)
Once you've picked the restore type, click [Next]
[Virtual Machine] - the server will be restored as a VM to a Hyper-V Host (this option will automatically attach the restore VM to Hyper-V Manager)
If you're restoring the server as a [Virtual Machine], the next step is to enter the details for your Hyper-V Host (IP/Machine Name, Domain, Username and Password). Then click on [Test Connection]. It is important to note that the Server OS is supported on the Hyper-V Host OS you'll be picking as the target. See the section 'Supported Operating Systems by target Hyper-V Host' below for more information.
Note: If you are restoring to the same host, the fields will be greyed out.
Then, simply enter the Virtual Machine Name, amount of Start up Memory, the restore location (must be a locally connected disk on that host). The VM will be restored with the NIC disabled automatically.
If you're restoring one or more of the server's volumes [VHD], then you can simply select the volume/s, the restore location (can be a Physical Drive or a Network Path - LAN only) and then click [Restore] -
You can monitor the restore progress from the Dashboard
Supported Operating Systems by target Hyper-V Host
The Server OS you will be restoring as a VM, must be one of the supported OS's of the relevant Host OS as below:
- Host running Server 2012 - see supported OS's
- Host running Server 2012 R2 - see supported OS's
- Host running Server 2016 - see supported OS's
- Host running Server 2019 - see supported OS's