The integration of ConnectWise Automate (Labtech) with Altaro VM Backup Cloud Management Console is no longer being actively developed and will not work on Connectwise Automate version v21.0 or later.
If you are using Connectwise Automate v20.0 or earlier you can still configure your backup alerts to integrate with the ConnectWise Control Center in its current form; however, no support is being provided for this plugin.
Through the Altaro VM Backup Cloud Management Console, you can configure your backup Alerts to integrate directly with the Labtech Control Center.
Note: Tickets raised in Labtech Control Center can also be raised automatically in the Connectwise Manage PSA system.
The Plugin works by connecting to the Altaro CMC service to download any raised Alerts for Altaro VM Backup Installation linked to your Altaro CMC Account. The hosts for which you would like to raise Alerts should be both managed by an Altaro VM Backup Installation AND should also be running the LabTech agent.
Through this integration, Altaro VM Backup will create Alerts within the Labtech console, and also open tickets for any failure results, this is done through a plugin to be installed in the Labtech Control Center, as per the following instructions:
- Enable Alerts from the Altaro VM Backup Cloud Management console
- Download the plugin from here:
- Uncompress the DLL from the downloaded file.
- Open Labtech Control Center, and from the Plugin Manager click [Advanced] > [Manage Plugins] > [Add Plugin]
- Browse to the location of the downloaded plugin (from Step 1 above), select the file AltaroVMBackupLabTech.dll , and click Open
Note: You might need to right-click > Properties and Unblock the .DLL file.
- Click Save and Close, then click Yes to confirm the Database Agent restart
- At this point please close the Labtech Control Center console, and re-open it (this is required in order to proceed)
- To activate Altaro VM Backup Alerts, go to the [System Dashboard] > [Config] > [Integration] > [Altaro VM Backup], and click [Next]
- Enter your Altaro Cloud Management Console credentials, and click [Next]
- Confirm the Altaro account shown on screen, and click [Link] to complete the activation
Important notes on integration
- New Alerts are downloaded from the Altaro CMC in batches every 5 minutes
- For Alerts to be raised in LabTech, the Hypervisor which is raising Alerts also needs to be registered in the LabTech Control Center. Alerts will only be raised for Hypervisors which are being monitored and managed by LabTech
- If you change your Altaro CMC Credentials you need to update them in the LabTech plugin (Unlink and link again) to continue raising Alerts