To schedule automatic backups for the selected VMs you need to create a number of Schedule Groups and add the VMs to them. This will backup your VMs at a specific time on the selected days of the week.
If you are looking to frequently backup your VMs at a configured interval, i.e. every 5 minutes or every 1 hour for instance, you will need to make use of CDP (Continuous Data Protection).
To do this simply open the Management Console and navigate to [Setup] > [Backup Settings] > [Schedule Settings] from the left hand side main menu.
Default Backup Schedule Groups
Two default groups will be created for you, these can be used as they are, edited or deleted.
Adding a VM to a Schedule Group
Simply drag a VM (or multiple VMs) from the left hand side panel to the right hand side panel to add it to a Schedule Group. You can use the [Ctrl] or [Shift] keys to select multiple VMs.
Once the VM is added it will be listed within the Schedule Group panel to indicate that it has been added successfully. The assigned VMs from the left hand side panel will also be marked in green to indicate this.
A single VM can be added to multiple schedule groups and a single schedule group can contain multiple VMs.
Selecting a VM on the left hand side will display a Schedule Preview of the current settings for that VM on the right hand side of the console.
Finally, click [Save Changes] to successfully assign those VMs to that schedule group.
Removing a VM from a Schedule Group
To remove a VM from a schedule group simply click on the [x] icon to the right of the VMs name in the group's VM list. The VM can be re added at any time in the future.
You must click [Save Changes] at the bottom of the screen to commit changes.
Editing / Deleting / Disabling a Schedule Group
At the bottom of each schedule group you will see:
- a [pencil icon] to edit that schedule group
- a [x] sign to delete a schedule group (any VMs assigned to it will be unassigned)
- a [Enabled/Disabled] button so that you can easily toggle whether a schedule group is active/inactive
You must click [Save Changes] at the bottom of the screen to commit changes if you are editing or deleting a schedule group.
Create a new Schedule Group
To create a new schedule group click on the [Add Backup Schedule] button.
You will be presented by a Window which will prompt you for the schedule group settings as below: