If you do not have a copy of the installer for VM Backup please obtain a copy from www.altaro.com before following this tutorial.
- Check the System Requirements for a list of supported operating systems
- Launch the downloaded executable file
- Next, you will now see the End User License Agreement into which you will enter with Hornetsecurity Ltd. Please read through the agreement and check the “I Accept...” checkbox. Once you have agreed to the terms and conditions in the EULA you can press [Install]
At this point the installation will begin. You will be presented with a progress bar updating you with the progress of the installation. Installation should only take a few seconds.
Please note that if you have UAC enabled on the Server then a UAC prompt may be displayed. Please click allow for the installation to complete. UAC is required for the following reasons:-
Files are being copied to the Program Files Folder
A Windows Service is being installed
Once the installation is done you will be presented with the successful installation screen.
Should a screen informing you that the installation has failed appear please contact support.
Finally, the VM Backup Management Console will appear.