Note: If you are logged in via RDP, the 'Remember me' option will be disabled for security reasons.
As from VM Backup 8.24.11, we have introduced the ability to remember the log in credentials for a quicker log in access.
If the option to [Remember me] is not selected, the usual inactivity timeout (60 minutes) still applies. After the time has elapsed you will be logged out of the console and you would need to re-enter the credentials.
Once the option is selected, and you successfully log in, the next start-up will look like this:
It is important to keep in mind that if the [Remember me] option is enabled, the session will remain active until one of the following is done:
- 1-hour of inactivity
- The VM Backup user interface is closed
- The VM Backup services are stopped
- You log out manually
For security reasons, if either point 2 or 3 are performed, the next login will prompt again for the user credentials.
Both the option [Connect to a VM backup Instance...] and [Exit] count as logging out manually, while the [Go to Connection Manager] option will not remove the stored credentials.