Ransomware Protection through Truly Immutable Backups
Ransomware attacks can gain access to backup locations and encrypt the data rendering it useless; these locations include connected hard drives, mapped network drives (such as NAS) and even cloud storage accounts (e.g. Azure Blob, AWS S3, Wasabi, Backblaze).
Bad actors such as disgruntled employees that already have access to backup locations can also damage live environments and sabotage or delete backup data outright.
VM Backups' new Immutable Backup feature enables you to have Backup Versions that can not in any way be modified, overwritten and deleted by anyone, person or ransomware, for the time configured to be protected.
Tamper-Proof using Tried & Tested Technologies
This feature merges Immutable Cloud technologies with our signature Augmented Inline Deduplication. Working hand-in-hand these allow you to lock backup versions for the entire time they need to be kept whilst retaining the space and bandwidth savings that deduplication provides.
You only store backups that you actually want to be protected
Immutable protection exists as added functionality on top of regular Cloud Offsite backups, so retention is still free to clean out the unwanted past-retention versions while all other backups remain fully protected and immutable.
VM Backup Scalability
Free Space on Disk
Previous Altaro VM Backup technology reused freed space within the managed repository. V9 further optimizes disk space utilization and automatically reclaims freed space on disk.
Offsite Repository Retention
Old backup versions on offsite copy locations can now be deleted without requiring other operations to be paused. Retention processes have been streamlined for full concurrency with backup operations.
Auxiliary Database Improvements
Backup repository metadata and supporting components have been redesigned to be robust and highly optimized for scale and high I/O load.
Management Console Databases
Improved performance for the Local Management Consoles of VM Backup and Offsite Server Tool. UI should feel snappier and handle many more virtual machines.
Backup Health Monitor Improvements
The Backup Health Monitor (BHM) feature can now operate seamlessly in the background and is not interrupted by other continuous operations such as CDP or Replication
Exporting Operation History
We're including the ability to export the full Operation History through the VM Backup local REST API.
API Concurrency
Running the VM backup local management console and an API REST service session concurrently will now be supported giving more freedom and flexibility to Administrators.