If you have forgotten your current encryption key, you can proceed anyway and force a reset to the new key.
To protect your backups from an unauthorized user changing the Encryption Key, backups to your Offsite Locations / Network Shares will be disabled until you re-authenticate them from the Backup Locations screen.
Once you have entered the Windows credentials to change the Encryption Key; here's how to re-authenticate to your Backup Locations:
- Head over to the [Setup] > [Backup Locations]
You will see something similar to the below disconnected backup locations:
- In order to re-authenticate your Backup Locations, you can click on the [Edit] (pencil icon) for each of your locations:
Network Paths
You will be required to enter the Domain/Machine, Username and Password. Once entered, click [Test Connection] and [Finish]
Azure Storage Account
You will need to re-enter the Connection String, which you can get from your Azure portal account. Click [Modify] and enter the Connection String, click [Test Connection] and [Finish]
Amazon S3
You will need to re-enter the Region, Access Key and Secret Access Key which you can get from your Amazon S3 account. Once entered, click [Test Connection] and [Finish]
Wasabi Cloud Storage Account
You will need to re-enter the Region, Access Key and Secret Access Key which you can get from your Wasabi account. Once entered, click [Test Connection] and [Finish]
Offsite Backup Server
You will be required to enter the VM Backup Username and Password. Once entered, click [Test Connection] and [Finish]
Offsite Backup Server [CP Managed by an MSP]
Contact our support team for help to re-authenticate.