STEP 1: Upgrade your License Key
- If you have a current Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA), you are entitled to a free upgrade to v8
- If your SMA has expired, you may purchase the upgrade - click here for upgrade pricing. Please contact your Partner or contact to renew it before upgrading
- Click here for instructions on checking your SMA status
Version 5, 6 and 7 keys will NOT work in Version 8!
If you do not already have a V8 License Key, please click here to upgrade it before proceeding any further
Partners: Log into the Partner Portal to access all your customers’ v8 keys
STEP 2: Upgrade your Installation
The upgrade process below from version 5.x, 6.x, 7.x to 8.0 will keep all your settings and previous backups.
First, uninstall VM Backup from the Windows Programs and Features screen, then simply download v8.0 using the download link below, and run the installer.
The installation of v8.0 will NOT require a reboot (unless a previous reboot is already pending from some other installation)
(The V8 offsite Offsite Backup Server installation file can be downloaded here)
Important Notes about the Upgrade!
- If you are running Windows Server 2008 R2, Service Pack 1 needs to be installed.
- VM Backup 8.24 and onwards requires .NET 4.7.2 installed, here's how to check and upgrade .NET
- Version 7 introduces a new Deduplicated backup format and will no longer be using ReverseDelta
- After upgrading from 6.x to 8.x, your next onsite backup will be a Full Backup and require more space than a regular incremental backup job
- Reseeding to your offsite location will not be required because the software will automatically reseed from the previous Offsite Copy versions already available
- V7 also includes compatibility with our new Cloud Management Console. More information, and guidance to get started can be found here:
Warning: The first backup and offsite copy duration after enabling deduplication will be longer than usual due to the above process being done in the background
- V8 is compatible with all the same Operating Systems as V7
- V8 now uses additional ports. Please see our latest System Requirements for more information
- V8 also includes a brand new Offsite Backup Server, please see further notes about the v8 Offsite Server compatibility
As always our support team are here to assist if you have any trouble during the upgrade, so please feel free to get in touch if you need us! Our contact details are at the bottom of this page.