At Hornetsecurity we thrive to deliver the best service possible to our Customers and Resellers, including Technical Support.
Having a close partner alike relationship with our Resellers, we sometimes require seeing an inclusion of the Reseller first hand in Support cases. Or to move the support request to another location. In rare cases we are not allowed to give support at all.
This can be necessary out of various reasons:
- The case requires a change of settings (Request for Change*) on an object that contains company-specific policies or compliance.
- Information (personal data) relevant to process the case is protected via personal data confidentiality.
- Hornetsecurity has no direct contractual relationship with the requesting party. For example, if the service is part of an included service provider.
- The support case is related to a third-party solution.
- The request is not a technical inquiry, but a sales-related question, for example..
Unfortunately, some scenarios may lead to conflicts with GDPR, which we must ensure to follow strictly.
You still need a solution?
- Administrators: Get an administrator role with the partner/reseller responsible for that customer. This is managed in the Service Dashboard. Once you have done this, please contact us again.
- Users: Get in touch with your responsible administrator. With many requests, we need to make sure the right administrator is involved.
- External: You neither actively use our service nor provide it? In this case we are very limited in our options. However, we will still try our best within the given options.
A lot of requests could also be solved through our excellent manual. And of course, you have the possibility to research specific scenarios in this Support Knowledgebase.
*Request for change: A change of an existing setting or configuration. In IT, the term “RfC” as well as “Change” is very broad and used in various contexts.
**Appropriate Level: Assuming the entity in question is a Customer object, the appropriate level to request support with Hornetsecurity will be the highest Reseller object in terms of hierarchy.
***Entity: An entity is a neutral term to an account level in the Hornetsecurity Control Panel. In most support cases it will refer to a Customer or Reseller object.