In order to restore Teams Chats, you can follow the guide below:
- Go to [Restore] then choose from [Teams Chats]. Then select the customer and the Office 365 Organisation you'd like to restore from. Then simply click [Next]
- Select the Team chat (or chats) which you would need to restore. You can either scroll till you find the desired chat or use the search field at the top. Once done press [Next]
- Simply select the backup version you'd like to restore and click [Next]
- Select the desired destination and press [Next]
Restore to HTML — will include HTML files as part of the ZIP archive available for download.
Select the email address where the download notification (with the link to download the restored files) will be sent to. If you want to download any files which were sent click the [Restore Files shared within the selected chats]
Once you're ready, click [Restore]
Tip: Ensure to copy the passphrase and save it until the restore is complete. The passphrase is not sent via email (for security reasons) and if it is misplaced, a new restore would need to be initiated.
Next, verify the credentials, these are the credentials of your CP account.
Once verified, the restore will start. The data will be processed by us and when completed an email will be sent.
Tip: The sender address will be so please make sure that you are not blocking emails from this address and check if they are going to the spam folder.
Once you receive the email, click on the link to start the download. The download link in the email will remain valid for 48 hours, after which – should you require the files again a new restore will be required.
See how you can open the restored HTML here.
Restore to a new Team — will restore the selected Teams Chats into a new team in MS Teams.
Go ahead and choose your preferred name for the new Team or leave the default one.
You will also need to select what permissions the new Team will have; either the same permissions granted [ original participants] (groups will include all participants, while for users it will include only the owner). Private channels will be restored to a separate team, without any user permissions. Instructions on granting access to users can be found here.
Or [ administrator only]. Find more information here on how to access Teams Chats restored with permissions to the administrator only.
Restore to HTML — will include HTML files as part of the ZIP archive available for download.
Note: If a file is deleted from the user's OneDrive before Teams Chats backup has run, the file will not be backed up as it won't exist anymore. When restoring to HTML, you will see a note that the file is not available as it was deleted by the user. "The file could not be found at the time of backup as it was deleted by the user."
Granting access to users of a restore Team
Once your data has been restored to a new Team, in order to access the Teams Chat you can follow these easy steps below:
- Browse to the O365 Admin Center and go to Active Groups page
- Click on a group name
- In the details pane, on the [Members] tab, select [View all and manage owners]
- Select [Add owners]
Select the check box next to the name of the owner you want to add. At this point the chat will show in Teams, however any user that needs access to this chat needs to be added as a member. To do this, follow the next steps below.
- Select [Members]
- Select [Add members]
Select the check box next to the name of the member you want to add and then click [Add].
These members will now have access to the Teams Chat.
Opening the restored HTML file
Once your data has been restored, in order to access the Teams Chat you can follow these easy steps below:
- Unzip the password protected folder with the provided Passphrase.
- Next, unzip the folder that was located in the encrypted one. So essentially you will be unzipping 2 folders here. It's important to unzip, rather than opening as otherwise we will be unable to load the CSS.
User restored Teams Chats will be named like so:
- Now, you can double click on the .HTML files to access the chats, once opened you will see something similar to the below. As you can see, we have the following available:
- The name of the user for the Teams Chat
- Participants included in the conversation
- Messages sent over as well as any attachments sent
- Date/time are in UTC format