If an email is classified as suspicious or dangerous by our systems, it can be assigned different statuses. The different statuses are explained below:
Blocked (Category "Rejected")
We may block emails for various reasons and refuse to accept them accordingly. Reasons for this include the following:
RBL block
Due to spam mailings, an IP address may end up on our own list or another RBL list that we use for matching. We block the delivery of emails from such a listed IP address. This can be recognized by the reason "RBL"
If one of your IP addresses or the IP address of one of your communication partners has mistakenly ended up on our RBL list, you can request delisting via this article. -
554 5.7.1 <mailadresse@domain.tld>
When creating an email address manually, our deploy times must be observed. If emails are already sent to the address during the background processes when it is created, these can be blocked with the reason "554 5.7.1 <mailadresse@domain.tld>".
Other reasons for a blocked email are possible. Only examples are shown here. The blocked emails can be recognized by the "Rejected" category and more detailed information can be found in the reason. Here is an explanation of how to filter emails by category.
Rejected (Delivery status "Rejected")
Some customers have certain policies and conditions on their mail servers that determine whether certain emails should be accepted or rejected. If an email has been categorized by us as clean, we try to deliver it to the customer's mail server. If the email falls under a policy or condition under which the mail server rejects the email, the email is still displayed as "Clean" in our Control Panel, but the delivery status changes to "Rejected".
The reason why the receiving mail server rejected the email can be viewed in the SMTP logs of an email.
The delivery status is displayed by default in Email Live Tracking as "Status". If this is not displayed, it can be added to the display via the Email Live Tracking customization.
If one of our filters detects a threat, the email is categorized as a Threat or AdvThreat. The different categorization is based on whether it is a filter from our "standard" Spam & Malware Protection or the Advanced Threat Protection.
You can find out how to filter according to the categories in this article.
The reason why an email has ended up in quarantine can be found in the details. Below is an example of a threat:
Depending on the settings in the Control Panel, the users or the admin are informed about the emails in quarantine in the quarantine report. These emails can be released either via the quarantine report or Email Live Tracking.